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Commonly misused words The following is a list of words that are commonly confused or misused, even by native English speakers. To administrate means to manage or organize. A drug is administered, not administrated. Administration, however, is the noun of administer, which may lead to this common mistake.
affect/effect As verbs: affectmeans to have an influence on; effectmeans to cause or bring about. example: "The addition of MX-68 to cultured rat cells affected polyglutamate formation" (ie, could have either induced, increased or decreased). As nouns: affectmeans an emotional feeling, tone or mood; effectmeans result.
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Alternation (the occurrence of two things by turns) is often wrongly used to mean alteration (simply a change). Alteration may be used as a synonym of mutation.
conservative/conserved | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
DNA sequences may be conserved between species, and these regions are called conserved regions, not conservative regions. Conservative implies a medical treatment that is by limited or well-established procedures.
dose/dosage | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A doseis a specific amount whereas dosageimplies a regimen and is therefore usually indicated as amount per unit of time. example: "Patients received an initial doseof 25 mg and thereafter a dosageof 10 mg twice a day for 2 weeks." etc Etc can only be used when the contents of a noninclusive list are obvious to the reader. However, etc is an imprecise expression and should generally be avoided in scientific writing. When giving a partial list use such as or including at the start of the list, and put nothing at the end of the list.
Try to avoid using eg (for example; from the Latin exempli gratia) and ie (that is; from the Latin id est). If you do use them: Do not use etc after eg; and use ie when the list is specific and all-inclusive, or when clarifying or defining something. example: Change in height (ie, height velocity) may only be transiently reduced in asthmatic children example: Lysosomal cysteine proteases have been implicated in specific pathological states (ie, arthritis and cancer metastasis) Also avoid and so on, and so forth, and and the like. mutant/mutation | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
A mutationis an alteration in the primary sequence of DNA. Mutantrefers to an strain of organism, population, allele or gene which carry one or moremutations.
Therefore a mutanthas no genetic locus, only a phenotype. A mutationcan be mapped, but a mutantcannot.
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Remarkableis commonly wrongly used to indicate a change that is notable but not significant. The correct word is marked.
reproductive/reproducible Reproductiverefers to the biological process by which organisms produce offspring, and cannot be used to describe results that could be repeated. Results that can be repeated are reproducible;they could be reproduced or duplicated.
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